went into sch's webbie today and realise my results would be out in early sept. oh god.. pls let me pass. i logged into my portal and saw the modules that i took and the fear started to amalgamate, reminding me about CF, MM & ICP that i have long forgotten while enjoying during the holidays.stressfuloh ya, i got a shock of my life when i watched the news ytd about the new ifly, which is about to be the new interest place in sentosa in 2010. i dreamt about this exact place about 2 months ago and i vividly remember the whole dream cos it seems so real. i still wake up thinking i wont ever have the guts to do this, so it cant be a dejavu. but when i saw how it's going to look when the construction is done, my hair stand, literally.i told my mom and said its good cos i cant predict the future. -.-"
i dont want to. cos i always have nightmares about my results every year =(sigh. i wanna graduate!
I finally passed my M5 today!! so happy.. haha i was so so so nervous when I was going to click onto the 'finished' button. i'm afraid it'll be finished for me at the same time. but.. i passed anyway. after this paper, i realised this might not really be the path i wanna take. i always tell xue that since we're like jobless and rotting, why not just try it out and it wont do any harm to us. but.. now i realise that i might not really have the courage to do this. sigh. xue found a job. although it might not be the best job to her, but to me, to be able to hold a job now is already very good. at least her resumes are replied and not sent in vain. i've been sending countless resumes to every company that posted a vacancy. but none replied. i dont understand. am i really that bad or are the companies too rich that they post ads when they dont have the vacancies? i even resort to applying for admin assistant/logistics & undesired positions which only require an 'o' levels and pays peanuts, but still no reply!! i'm beginning to give up. i dont know. will i really be joining the industry that is being ostracised(and am to be exposed to the risk of blacklisted and hated by the whole) or stuck at a place which i have total 0 interest in? please.. some kind-hearted soul please employ me.. nevertheless i will still continue to send resumes expecting to be deleted until my results are out. at least i can assume i'm awaiting for my cert. now, but if something goes wrong to my results... i dont even need to look for a job as i'll be studying instead.. OMG!! i dont want this to happen to me.wish me luck!!!!