Monday, May 31, 2010

i'm sick sick sick. its only 5 full days of roadshow in expo and i cant take it. luckily i chose to joined planner's world. if i have continued in the previous co, i may fall sick every other day.

today's only the 1st day that i finally went back to the world of public transport. -.-"
and i promised myself i only have 2 choices right now.
1 - to get a netbook, 2 - to get a car.

ya. i know i should work harder now to fulfill the latter.

i finally saw an SLS. and it's really really gorgerous!! i want to have it!! or it'll be nice to just let me ride in it for a few days and i'll be satisfied enough. alright, stop dreaming and work harder! :):):):)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

woohoo!! i'm off to another shopping spree in 2 days time.. teehee!

anyway my eyes have been very very irritated. it reddens every other day. dont know is it of the prolonged exposure to the air-condition recently or is there something wrong with my eyes. i have not been wearing my contacts for like donkey years but its still not of any help :(((

anyway, i'm so so so busy and tired lately. i think i must have been mentally drained and that's why even though i slept quite a lot more hours now than in the past, i still feel very lethargic everyday.

sigh.. i'm starting to feel the sleepy-ness now as i type. alright. i'm off to slumberland right aft i successfully pack my stuffs today.

nighty everyone~