i dont know y my previous blog had just vanished like that. perhaps it's because that i've not been logging in for the past decade? hee..
anyway, its the 8th day that he had left for wallaby. and i think he's somewhere out in the desert now so he cant contact me for like close to 2wks from ytd! :(
i'm feeling sooo sick and tired of me staying at home everyday. but i'm just too lazy to leave the house. i don't feel like going out. i don't feel like meeting people. don't feel like putting on makeup. don't feel like looking for clothes to wear. in all i just dont feel like doing anything except for sitting at the couch with my 'log cake'(btw ah be has changed his name to log cake, cos dad says that he's grown too fat and resembles a log cake,which is quite true.hahaha).
counting down for my thai trip with him!! =D
p.s miss u J
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